Any of various herbs of the genus thalictrum; sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks; have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers. 唐松草属的任何一种草本植物;有根状茎或块茎,四季生,生长在潮湿而荫凉的地方、草地或河边;有带花边的叶和大量的紫色或黄色的花。
Any of various plants of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and clusters of small white, yellowish, or purplish apetalous flowers. 一种唐松草属植物,长有复合叶片,开串串白色、微黄色或微紫色的无瓣小花。
There are about 200 specis of the genus, Thalictrum in the world, among which 20 species and 4 variety distributed in Gansu Province. 唐松草属(Thalictrum)植物全世界约200种,甘肃省有20种4变种。